10 Exact Moments That Killed Video Game Franchises

1. "My Face Is Tired" - Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect Andromeda My Face Is Tired

Begin Autopsy:

Time of death? March 16th, 2017

Cause of death? Public exposure to a painful amount of unfinished animations, resulting in a brutal onslaught of gifs, captured footage and highlight reels killing the subject stone dead, mere hours before its official release date.

Yes, the full release would come and things would only get worse, as Andromeda's facial animations were a laughing stock.

Characters grimaced, looked like they were struggling not to give the poop deck a new meaning, and all-round failed to accurately convey any human emotion.

It culminated in one Foster Addison, a character who has to appear aggressive towards protagonist Ryder, literally outlining that her "face is tired" from dealing with all the stress of the situation in-game.

Still, talk about a disastrous combination of terrible dialogue and a situation unfolding around a lack of polish.

Mass Effect Andromeda's woes came from mismanagement and infighting between studios, but it also sold so bad and dragged EA through the mud all over again, that the franchise has been "on ice" ever since.


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