10 Exact Moments That Saved Terrible Video Game Bosses

4. Chykka's Adult Form - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Mass Effect 3 Kai Leng

We're possibly courting controversy here, but when we say that Metroid Prime 2's Chykka is a terrible boss, we're really only taking about the first 30%-or-so of the fight.

In Torvus Bog, you'll eventually come across Chykka, which in its first form is a larva that swims around the arena while siccing its minions on you and occasionally emerging out of the water for you to take a shot and slowly whittle its life bar down.

It's basically Generic-O Boss Design 101 and seems like a totally naff, unimaginative boss battle for the creative standards of the game otherwise.

But once you get Chykka's larval form down to nil and it disappears back into the watery depths, the boss fight really starts.

At this point, Chykka re-emerges as a metamorphosed adult, which can move considerably faster and deal far more damage, all while the player has to deal with the altered geometry of the arena, which shifts when the adult Chykka resurfaces.

It's a long and challenging fight but never feels cheap, while boasting the ingenuity and intensity that the larval stage was so sorely lacking.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.