10 Exact Moments That Saved Terrible Video Game Bosses

2. Insulting Kai Leng As You Kill Him - Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 Kai Leng

Mass Effect 3's worst boss fight is surely the second encounter with the Illusive Man's insufferable lackey Kai Leng - a Cerberus assassin whose design and edgelord attitude both suggest he tripped and fell into Mass Effect out of another franchise entirely (like, say, Metal Gear?).

As for the fight itself, it takes place inside the Illusive Man's office and, as much as we were all looking forward to giving Leng a biblical ass-kicking, it's ultimately more of a slog than a fun time.

Between Leng's incredible speed and defensive abilities - namely his regenerating shields - it's a chore of a fight that can take unprepared players a long damn time. But the graft is ultimately worth the outcome, given how satisfyingly Leng is ultimately 86'd.

Once you finally whittle Leng's health down to the nub, a cutscene will show him making one final attempt to kill you, and whether you go Renegade or Paragon, the outcome is more-or-less the same: skirting Leng's attack and fatally stabbing him with your Omni-Blade.

If you go Renegade - as you absolutely should in this instance - you'll get the added badassery of breaking Leng's sword with your fist before running him through, rather than simply dodging it as a Paragon.

Either way, the greatest moment is saved for last, when Shepard tells an impaled Leng, "This is for ____, you son of bitch," with the gap being filled by which ever of your characters - Thane, Miranda, or Kirrahe - he killed earlier on.

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Mass Effect 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.