10 Exact Moments Video Game Villains Became Obsessed With You

4. Entering Silent Hill - Silent Hill 2

Zenos viator Galvus

Silent Hill takes different forms depending on the game you consult, but Silent Hill 2 gives the most unique vision of the haunted town by envisioning it as the worst therapy you can ever get - a town that forces you to either confront your inner demons or be swallowed up by them.

And it goes about doing this by turning itself into a meticulously crafted personal hell for whatever poor dumbass sets foot there.

Enter James Sunderland.

Although rather impersonal as an obsession, the town of Silent Hill centers on James as its new favorite plaything the moment he sets foot within its city limits. It sends the iconic Pyramid Head after him, forces him to traverse multiple areas symbolic of his emotional descent, and even confronts him with the crime he committed that sent him into Silent Hill's arms to begin with.

All seemingly to make him a better person, but it's hard to tell with this town and how it works. It might've just done all this to mess with the poor guy. After all, it is run by a Shiba Inu. You know how they are.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?