10 EXACT Moments Video Games Gave Us The ICK

4. "Go Suck Yo Momma's Milk!" - Mega Man Battle Network 2

Resident Evil 4 Ashley

Despite its colourful, seemingly family-friendly art style and "E for Everyone" ESRB rating, Mega Man Battle Network 2 features a completely deranged and mind-bogglingly inappropriate scene you'll never be able to forget.

Near the end of the tactical RPG, player character Lan Hikari is sent on a fetch quest which involves picking up some whiskey, which can be found aboard the plane you're riding in.

You'll eventually find an NPC holding a bottle of whiskey, but on approaching him he'll tell you, "You just outta da crib, kid! Go suck yo momma's milk!"

And because that's not an insane enough exchange for a game apparently fine for young children to play, the man then agrees to give you the whiskey if you can perform a rap in time with him. Yup.

This is without even touching the fact that every word out of the guy's mouth is in the most aggressively stereotypical Black vernacular possible, adding another layer of ickiness to an already deeply offputting scene.

Seriously, you've got a kid going on a quest where he has to rap in exchange for booze, and gets told to suck on his mother's breast. Did the ESRB actually play this thing at all?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.