10 EXACT Moments Video Games Lost The Plot

9. Planets In The Sky - Resistance 2

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Insomniac Games

Resistance: Fall of Man was released in 2006 as a launch title for the PS3, and remains one of the most underrated titles in recent gaming history. The shooter's gripping storyline and impressive controls and visuals helped make the series look like a genuine competitor to the likes of Call of Duty at the time, however, developers Insomniac just had to go and lose the plot with Fall of Man's sequel, Resistance 2.

'Bigger' is not always 'better', and Resistance 2 is undoubtedly a game that throws away a lot of what gave the series so much promise, tossing aside the gritty settings and storylines in favour of a more blockbuster science-fiction look.

The game's single-player campaign illustrates this unexplainable departure from the first game's formula the best, with protagonist Nathan Hale being killed off whilst looking up at a whole host of planet-looking objects in Earth's atmosphere. Hale was not the most charismatic protagonist the world of gaming has ever thrown up, but seeing him removed completely fractured the series and left fans wondering what the point was in sticking with the franchise.

And whilst there were naturally science-fiction elements in Fall of Man with the Chimera and their various weaponry, the decision to start filling the screen with even more outlandish sights, culminating in the game's final scene, helped the Resistance series lose all of its early promise.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.