10 EXACT Moments You Knew Video Game Characters Were Doomed

8. Zombie Brad - Resident Evil 2

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In Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, players take on the role of Jill Valentine as she attempts to escape the doomed Raccoon City, now running amok with virus-carrying monsters. To make matters worse, she's being pursued by the titular Nemesis - a hulking brute with a bone or 206 to pick with the remaining members of S.T.A.R.S.

The arrival of Nemesis is described by Jill's colleague Brad Vickers, who is very clearly playing the role of cannon fodder to prove Nemesis' power. However, players knew that Brad was not long for escape because the game's predecessor that released 18 months earlier.

There's a collectible file in Resident Evil 2 that actually details that Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine and Barry Burton plan to fly out to Europe to take down Umbrella's base. This leaves Rebecca Chambers and Brad Vickers unaccounted for. However, if players make it through the game's opening without grabbing an item, they'll find the truth.

Shuffling outside the Raccoon City Police Department is a zombified Brad Vickers, having succumbed to the t-Virus. Whilst Brad was immediately recognised as KIA, it wasn't until Resident Evil 3: Nemesis that we found out exactly how - skewered by the leather daddy Tyrant Nemesis in the police station forecourt.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.