10 Exceptional Horror Video Games That Deserve A Comeback

4. I Am Alive

The Suffering

I Am Alive is probably one of the most ironic video game titles out there, as after playing through this utterly dour experience you might be left wishing you weren't, as this brutal survival title is utterly bleak. Imagine if The Road was made into a video game and you'd be on the right lines with this one.

Not that I'm chastising the game for having such negative tones, far from it in fact, as this oppressive atmosphere ended up creating a level of immersion that most other games only dream of achieving. Here you see the jagged fractures of what is left of humanity after an apocalyptic event and are tasked with just one goal. Survive.

This will push you to do unspeakable things as well as witness the death of hope in your fellow man. Yet as a standalone title I Am Alive came and went without much buzz, meaning it's perfect for a comeback. Days Gone and The Last of Us have shown how successful the "humanity on the brink" setting can be, and with a more focused approach, I Am Alive could scratch a much-needed itch.

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The Suffering
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