10 Exceptional Horror Video Games That Deserve A Comeback

2. Resident Evil: Outbreak

The Suffering

Woah Woah Woah. A Resident Evil game on a comeback list? Surely there must be some mistake? Everyone knows about Capcom's biggest tentpole franchise right?

Well my friend you're totally right, but it also appears that Capcom themselves have forgotten just how unique an idea Resident Evil: Outbreak was seeing as how they seem to have abandoned the concept entirely. This is a true shame because Outbreak 1 and 2 really were doing something special, pushing online co-op survival missions set within the iconic Racoon City. At the time, online play for the PlayStation 2 was in its infancy, and poor sales due to fans being put off by adverts suggesting it was ONLY online, meant that Capcom soon gave up on the spin-off.

Mechanically it's what you'd expect from the IP which is not a criticism at all. Tense moments, interesting and grotesque enemies, and characters with different load-outs and stats meaning that teamwork really was essential. Given the huge boom of online gaming since then and the rabid demand for online horror content, remaking or at least returning to this concept would be a dream come true for most Resi fans.

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The Suffering
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