10 Excessively Violent Video Game Moments That Shocked The World

8. Killing Prostitutes - Grand Theft Auto III

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL_JilBDCUA We've known since the series' inception to expect the unexpected and the virulently controversial, though even Rockstar surely could not have anticipated the media furore that would erupt around the fact that in Grand Theft Auto III, the first 3D iteration on the PS2, you were able to pick up a hooker, shag her in the back of your car, and then murder her post-coitus, before stealing back the money you paid her for her services. While we've all done this, and yes, it's darkly amusing, the media jumped on this point, parading out journalists and psychiatrists who had never even played the game, insisting that it was a simulator that instructed you to murder prostitutes, which of course, is totally ridiculous. The game is all about choice; some chose to surely let the hooker live her life, and some opted to mow her down in a hail of bullets - that is down to the individual. It is not an achievement necessary to complete the game, and at no point is it even promoted by the game. For better or for worse, it shocked the world, even if most of the world - that is, non-gamers - were completely misled by the inane ramblings of the right-wing media corps.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.