10 Extremely Rare Video Game NPCs That Reward You For Finding Them

1. Jackalope - Red Dead Redemption

fallout 4 scribe

Red Dead Redemption's Weird West DLC, Undead Nightmare, introduced plenty of odd, supernatural phenomena into the game's setting, but this doesn't mean there weren't any extraordinary creatures in the title beforehand.

As a matter of fact, the base version of Red Dead even rewards you for finding one, although it's easier said than done, given how rare and sneaky it is. We are, of course, referring to one of America's most adorable cryptids—the legendary Jackalope.

Hunting down this odd deer and bunny hybrid is necessary for unlocking the Expert Hunter Outfit for your Marston, and if you are aiming to get your hands on it, you best prepare yourself for hours of scouring the wilderness and squinting at random bushes.

Because the creature is small and effortlessly blends with its environment, finding it is a real struggle. It also doesn't help that it's rare, being the only one of its kind, so your chances of finding it are as slim as slim can get.

Well, the clothing set you get for catching the Jackalope is called the EXPERT Hunter Outfit for a reason!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.