10 Extremely Rare Video Game NPCs That Reward You For Finding Them

4. Hidden Merchants - Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

fallout 4 scribe

Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest is a game filled with weird NPCs. From townswomen who invite you to their house to “restore your health” to villagers who straight up lie in your face for the thrill of it, each character Simon encounters is more bizarre than the last.

However, the strangest NPCs of them all have to be the ones that are the hardest to find—the game’s so-called “merchants.”

Despite what their title might suggest, you can’t really find these goods-peddlers at any marketplace or bazaar. Instead, they like to conduct their business behind secret passages and fake walls that you can only discover using holy water.

For this reason, it can be quite difficult to come across one, but this rarity comes with an appropriately beneficial reward.

Each hidden merchant has some unique weapon or item for you to buy, like the upgraded chain whip from the merchant in Veros and the dagger from his friend on the other side of the town.

Is it weird that these guys sell things where no one can see them? Yes. Does it mean you get a good deal out of it? Probably. At the very least, you don’t have to worry about other customers buying their stash before you.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.