10 Extremely Rare Video Game Outcomes You've Never Seen Before

1. Reclaiming Settlements In Civil War - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Baldur's Gate 3 Nere Absolute
Elder Scrolls Wiki

According to unused data and an interview with Bethesda developers, the civil war questline in Skyrim was originally going to be much more complex than what we got.

The original quests were supposed to be more dynamic, with both sides constantly conquering and reclaiming Skyrim's settlements. As a matter of fact, you can experience a small glimpse of this mechanic in-game if you do the quests in a very particular order.

During the main story quest, if you haven't completed the civil war questline and won the war, the jarl of Whiterun will ask you to hold truce negotiations between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials.

During these negotiations, you get to trade Skyrim's settlements between the two factions, which in turn allows you to reclaim them for the faction of your choice once you decide to join the war.

In fact, if you've managed to claim some provinces for one faction prior to the summit, you'll get to make additional choices in the negotiations, with more cities and villages that you can trade between the two sides.

Of course, trading cities only to fight for them again doesn't seem strategically sound, but it sure is a fun and unorthodox way of finishing the civil war quests.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.