10 Extremely Rare Video Game Outcomes You've Never Seen Before

5. Curing Nere - Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 Nere Absolute

Nere is the drow elf cultist from Baldur's Gate 3 that the player can rescue from being buried under a pile of rubble in Act 1 of the game.

If the name rings any bell, you probably remember him as the annoying, self-important douche who rewards his heroes with barking orders and threats, which is also why most players deal with the elf in two ways: they either give him what he deserves by killing him, or if they're doing an evil playthrough, they save him for the sake of the Absolute and then never meet with him again.

However, there is a third outcome to Nere's tale that no one really knows about - rescuing Nere and then convincing him to leave the cult of the Absolute.

The dialogue triggering this outcome appears only if you kill Nere's Duegar and then read his mind to convince him to release the enslaved gnomes. Nere will comment on your defiance, and this is where you can reveal that you don't work for the cult, prompting a persuasion check that allows you to use your artifact to free Nere's mind from the cult's control.

The process of reaching this outcome is incredibly complex, which, combined with the fact that everyone wants to kill Nere the moment they meet him, makes it quite obvious why most players aren't even aware the option to save him exists.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.