10 Failed Live Service Video Games With Shockingly Short Lifespans

8. Titanfall: Assault (2017-2018)

titanfall assault

Continuing the trend here, it seems like it’s very hard to compete on mobile even for established franchises and AAA studios as Respawn had another stumble trying to get players invested in Titanfall: Assault.

The competitive RTS hit iOS and Android devices in 2017 and was developed by Particle City. You were primed to deploy and command a squadron of Pilots and Titans among other units in an attempt to quash your rivals. Despite the success of Titanfall and some relatively decent reviews, this game’s servers were also shut down just shy of its one year anniversary in July of 2018. It was announced that the concept and hopes for what the game could be just didn’t translate in the way that the publisher and developers envisioned.

Extensive post-launch plans were hinted at including new units and fan favourite cameos but ultimately the game was abandoned before most could be implemented.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.