10 Fake Game Over Screens You Need To See

2. Not Quite The Ending - Sunset Overdrive

Sunset Overdrive Ending
Insomniac Games // Sunset Overdrive Wiki (Iamevilchris)

Insomniac Games' deliriously entertaining third-person action-adventure game "concludes" with the player launching a giant bottle of soda at the FizzCo building (seriously), and being killed by some falling rubble in the process.

After the player is mourned by their comrades, the end credits quickly roll, listing employees "in order of termination." Yet after about 10 seconds, the player re-emerges in front of the credits, complaining that they deserve a better ending.

The game then literally rewinds a minute, with the player being miraculously resurrected out of the rubble and hurled into one final boss fight against the FizzCo building, which has turned into a giant robot (because why not?).

This time the player survives defeating the boss and even quips, "Now that is how you end a game", while all the survivors celebrate and the much fancier real end credits finally roll.

If the game's overall meta tone maybe clued some players into the fake-out, it was still an easy one to fall for.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.