7. Ghost's Inability To Be His Own Character
The character Peter Dinklage attempted to play, and the character not even Nolan North could make his own. Any eccentricities added to Ghost, at least in the Taken King, were through North's performance only, not in the writing. The biggest problem with Ghost that still hasn't changed is that he's still not allowed to be a true, individual character. He's still shoved into the background, with not much else to do on his own. Now I understand that he's bound to each guardian, but he's simply not given character moments that allow him to stand out and be more than an exposition machine. Without those character-defining moments, he remains the same inconsequential character he was day one, which is NOT what he should be, especially considering he's the one to jump-start the original plot itself. He's voiced by Nathan Drake, he's the one who brought your guardian back to life, when will he stop just being background decoration and become a three-dimensional personality?