10 Pathetic Video Game Baddies You Should Feel Bad For Killing

2. Glass Joe

Super Punch Out had the most ridiculous learning curve of any game ever: by the time you got to fight someone like King Hippo, no matter how much time you'd spent playing the game, any further progress was nigh-on impossible. So it is perhaps right that the developers included a gimme for the first match-up, taking some obviously deep-seated racist feelings towards the French and channelling them into a woefully under-qualified and cowardly first round push-over by the name of Glass Joe.
Incidentally, he's still a better boxer than Rocky. The name has now become synonymous with sports' losers, and it all comes down to the fact that your grandma could probably beat him in a fight. With one hand tied behind her back. Joe represented as little threat as possibly imaginable - as impossible as King Hippo was to kill, Joe was easy to knock out. He did offer a chance to practice a few of your basic skills, but by the time you'd got warmed up he was eating canvas, and as nice as you were encouraged to feel about punching a cheese-eating surrender monkey Frenchman, it was never particularly satisfying.
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