10 Festive Video Games To Play During Christmas 2018

7. The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge

Attack On Titan Christmas Costume Set

Published by Capcom—of all people—and released in 2004 for the PS2, Xbox, and PC, The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie’s Revenge may be something of a hidden gem for the sixth generation of consoles.

It isn’t great by any means; it offers up a fairly standard campaign and shamelessly rehashes many of the movie’s characters and settings. That said, Oogie’s Revenge actually serves as a semi-canonical sequel to the Nightmare Before Christmas movie and is a must-play for any hardcore Tim Burton fans.

The strangest thing about this movie tie-in title is that, rather than opting for a predictable adventure/platformer style, it is a total rip off of the Devil May Cry Games. This may not be a total surprise given its association with Capcom, but it comes off as such a bizarre concept that it’s almost hard to believe that it exists in the first place.

Many of the combat mechanics are more or less exactly the same as early Devil May Cry games and it copies the hack-n-slash series so thoroughly that it could nearly be labeled as a re-skin. It’s far from a perfect game, but this release is just too odd and obscure to pass up.


Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.