10 Fiendishly Clever Secrets Hidden In Video Game Covers

7. John Romero IS Doom Guy - Doom

Doom Cover
id Software

Legendary FPS designer John Romero is the gaming industry's original rock star, infamous for his (admittedly well-earned) bravado, his high-flying lifestyle and hair long enough to literally make an actual rock star blush.

Romero's well-noted ego materialised in another unexpected way, when he was helping design the cover art for the landmark shooter Doom.

As revealed by Romero himself a few years ago, cover artist Don Punchatz arrived at id Software's offices with a male model in tow to pose as the iconic Doomguy, only for a dissatisfied Romero to intervene, rip his shirt off and start posing himself.

The male model, he claims, still contributed to the final cover art by serving as the reference for the demon grabbing Doomguy's arm, while artist Punchatz presumably accentuated Romero's frame with the more cartoonish muscles visible in the final cover.

Never to be outdone, Romero of course had to ensure he was front-and-center on the series' most iconic image...even if nobody knew about it for almost 25 years.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.