10 Fiendishly Clever Secrets Hidden In Video Game Covers

5. An Alternate Perspective - Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition

Star Wars Battlefront

The cover art for Star Wars Battlefront famously features the statuesque image of a Rebel Alliance soldier standing defiantly atop the remains of an AT-AT, all while a fleet of AT-ATs make their approach and other Rebels fend off the Stormtroopers.

But if you threw down cash for the game's Deluxe Edition, you'd simply get a close-up of a Stormtrooper's helmet, with a battle scene reflected in the helmet's eye.

It's incredibly easy to take this at face value and move on, but in fact, the Deluxe Edition is depicting an alternate perspective of the very same battle scene from the Standard Edition cover.

Similarly, a Rebel Alliance soldier is standing on some robotic remains and fending off the Empire, this time from the viewpoint of a Stormtrooper. That's...surprisingly creative for the cover art of an EA-produced AAA shooter based on a movie franchise.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.