10 "Firsts" That Changed Video Games Forever

7. The First To Feature Power-Ups

Shenmue die hard quick time

First: Pac-Man (1980)

Making its second appearance on this list, Pac-Man – the arcade classic released in 1980 – was the very first example of a game using power-ups, a practice which would later become popularised by the likes of Super Mario Bros. and Mega Man. In the game, players absorb power pellets in order to become momentarily invincible, allowing them to pursue ghosts and consume them for points. In later stages, the ghosts remain invulnerable, but reverse direction regardless.

The following year, Donkey Kong would introduce power-ups in the form of Jumpman’s hammer, which would allow the player to momentarily destroy barrels and fireballs, clearing the path for themselves. Besides that, Super Mario Bros. is often credited with inventing the quintessential power-up: the red super mushroom, a consumable item capable of increasing the protagonist’s size, inspired by its similar application in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.