10 Forgotten Masterpiece Video Games
4. Vib Ribbon
Vib Ribbon follows a rabbit called Vibri who lives in the rhythm-based land, Music World. On his journey, the whimsical bunny comes across pits, blocks, loops, and waves, which correspond to the beats of the track. To navigate through these obstacles, Vibri must press the corresponding button.
As straightforward as the gameplay sounds, it gets tricky when the levels incorporate two obstacles into one, giving the player little time to figure out which combination of buttons to push.
Vib Ribbon has the potential to be endlessly entertaining, since it allows the player to insert any music CD into the console. Because the level design is based on the pulse of the song, the gameplay is only limited by the player's music collection. So, if the player wants to navigate through a level based on the melody of Hit Me Baby One More Time, Moonlight Sonata, or Super Mario's theme song, go nuts.
Although Vib Ribbon is staggeringly creative, its lack of popularity isn't much of a surprise. Due to its monochromatic design, wireframe aesthetic, and kiddy vibe, Vib Ribbon was a hard sell. And when Vib Ribbon's two spin-offs sold poorly, all interest in this potential franchise dried up.