10 Forgotten Xbox 360 Games You Should Play In 2020

6. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

El Shaddai: Ascension Of The Metatron

The Metal Gear Solid franchise and the Xbox have always been a bit of an odd pairing. Thankfully, the HD collection somewhat eased that rift back in 2011.

Which is great, otherwise 360 users may not have been able to get their hands on the equally over-the-top spin-off, Revengeance.

Originally set during the events of MGS4 (which didn't see an Xbox release), the story eventually saw a cyborg Raiden and company tackle events left in the wake of Liquid Ocelot's nanomachine nonsense.

Ultimately though, it didn't matter if you knew your Outer Heavens from your Les Enfant Terribles, as Revengeance offered some of the most balletic and beautiful third person hack and slash combat going.

Gone was the stealth, replaced by acrobatic action that saw you pulling off insane swordplay at the same time. Combined with a slow motion, Fruit Ninja-like slicing mechanic, hours of fun were to be had.

In the wake of games like Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro, why not play something with a similar level of high-reflex sword action?

Still ninjas, just in the future!


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.