10 Forgotten Xbox 360 Games You Should Play In 2020

2. Dishonoured

El Shaddai: Ascension Of The Metatron
Arkane Studios

The laws of diminishing returns may not have been kind to Arkane's stealthy series, but that doesn't mean they should disappear into obscurity.

What made Dishonoured great to play was, despite not quite fully sandbox levels, you could approach your missions however you saw fit.

Do you want to be a force of reckoning, destroying all in your way to enact horrible retribution on those that wronged you...?

Or would you rather slip in unnoticed, harm no innocents and do more long-term damage to your targets than merely lopping their heads off?

That's what made Dishonoured so much fun: that you could act how you wanted with no real gameplay repercussions.

Sure, there were world - and story - damaging actions, but you would be hard pressed to fail a mission for adapting a specific type of play style.

As a series, it's not overtly forgotten. But given that we're unlikely to see more, what better time to dig out one of the best stealth/action platformers in the last decade?

Don't let Corvo's revenge fade into obscurity. Then play the sequels.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.