10 Frustrating Dark Souls Enemies DESIGNED To Piss You Off
Not saved in half an hour? How about you get turned to stone and lose everything?

Saying that the Dark Souls series is a challenge is like saying that the Earth is round, the sea is blue or cheese and onion is the best flavour of crisp.
It just goes without saying.
Whilst the game's steep difficulty curve is highly manageable and satisfying once you get your head around it, there's still a few enemies that push it a little too far. Be it with cheap-shots, fast-acting status effects or just by being general pains in the arse, these enemies can often be impromptu road-blocks between you and the next area that's full of terrifying bosses waiting to feed you your own eyeballs.
None of the creatures featured here are inherently cheap or broken by design, but are intentionally made frustrating in order to test both your patience and skills. The world of Dark Souls is a cruel landscape and you shouldn't expect to come out without a few mental scars and this rowdy bunch will certainly see to that.
So, grab your sword, shield and whichever enchanted ring best matches your outfit and let's take a look at ten frustrating Dark Souls enemies that were designed to piss you off.
10. Giant Mosquitos (Dark Souls)

Often considered the point in the original Dark Souls that tends to make or break the player, Blighttown is a dank, hellish pit that pushes first time players to their limits.
After fighting your way downwards through hordes of enemies you find yourself in a toxic swamp with very little idea of where to go next. You begin to scan the landscape and on the horizon see two gigantic mosquitoes coming at you.
No biggie, a simple swing of your sword or a well-placed arrow and they'll be history. No problem at all.
Then more come; and then more after that.
They never seem to stop coming, constantly there every time you turn around or think you've found the correct way to go, making long stretches of exploration feel extra strenuous. They pose little threat in terms of damage, but can poison you which is not at all ideal given you're already surrounded by a poisonous lake.
They're not a hard enemy to defeat by any stretch, nor are they worth much in terms of souls; but their persistence and likelihood to harass you over and over again makes them the bitter icing on the sponge-cake of frustration that is Blighttown.