10 Frustrating PlayStation Trophies Designed To Piss You Off

2. Abstergo Employee Of The Month - Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

ASSASSIN'S creed brotherhood

Assassin's Creed is infamous for its online trophies being absurdly difficult and annoying. 'Download Complete' would be the obvious choice for an annoying trophy, considering how it asks you to reach max level in the online, but the one that takes its place is even more ridiculous.

'Abstergo Employee of the Month' requires the player to get every single bonus in Multiplayer at least once. Doesn't sound too difficult, but considering the fact there are thirty-seven of them, it becomes a lot harder. That's not mentioning the fact that you must be at least level 29, and the fact that there is no in-game way of tracking the bonuses, meaning you have no way to know if you have previously gotten one.

But the most absurdly annoying thing is the general difficulty of some of these bonuses - like Mid-Air, which asks you to get a kill with the hidden gun while in mid-air. And you have to do all this in the random environment of the online, where you have to wait for the right moment instead of being able to tailor the situation to your needs, like in single player.

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