10 Frustrating PlayStation Trophies Designed To Piss You Off

8. Bladder Of Steel - Rock Band 2

rock band 2

Essentially, 'Bladder of Steel' wants you to complete the Endless Setlist 2, which lasts a total of six hours and fifteen minutes. Oh, and it also wants you to do that without pausing or failing.

So imagine the frustration that this trophy embodies. You can play the songs on easy which makes most of them a cake walk, but if your controller runs out of battery it'll paused and then... no trophy. You're hands get tired after an hour? Failed, no trophy. Get to the last five minutes and you slip up? Failed, no trophy and a guitar-shaped hole in your TV.

And this is one of the trophies where you can practically hear the developers laughing at you. The name reeks of a sadistic comedic tone given its in-game context, and you know the team designed it to be infuriating from top to bottom. So, well done Rock Band for admitting to your frustrating intentions instead of pretending like you meant well. Brownie points for that.

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