10 Future Telltale Games Series We'd Love To See

5. Star Wars

telltale games star wars

I assure you this is more than me being able to nerdgasm all over the Gaming section. No, a Star Wars Telltale series could work brilliantly.

After all, you have so many planets to play with and so many paths to go down, the galaxy is your Sarlacc pit.

I'm imagining something along the lines of a Han Solo-style character, a smuggler who knows his way around a blaster and is way up on the Galactic Empire's hit list. Each episode could take place on a different planet and could follow a collection of heroes on a space quest with the Empire hot on their tail.

Not all Star Wars games have to include you savaging people with a giant glowstick and a point-and-click story-based adventure could prove that. Dialogue could result in you making alliances or enemies and could recreate a Han vs Greedo-style showdown (don't you dare say it).

Any companions you encounter on your travels could be given the option to accompany you, exploring new planets together and blasting stormtroopers left right and centre. Your gameplay decisions could even attract the attention of a certain bounty hunter: Mr B. Fett! Other classic characters could feature small roles, however it's probably best to set the game before the events of The Force Awakens to avoid confusion with where the new trilogy is heading.


Professional greebo. Duck lover. Gin.