10 Game Over Screens That Pissed You Off The Most

6. Zone Of The Enders

Zone of the Enders

Hideo Kojima strikes again with his cult mecha combat game Zone of the Enders - a game many bought simply to play the world's first Metal Gear Solid 2 demo, mind.

And though the game is a sure blast for the most part, its Game Over screen takes a few notes from Metal Gear Solid's obnoxiously shrill equivalent, and even throws some insults into the mix for good measure.

If you're killed in one of the game's boss fights, the boss will rattle off a quick one-liner as they cut you down, before protagonist Leo Stenbuck lets out a cacophonously high-pitched death scream.

A seemingly benign Game Over screen will then appear, often accompanied by a random insult, such as your murderer calling you a "stupid kid" while questioning why you're "so eager to die."

Look, dying is frustrating enough in games - don't make it any more miserable by forcing players to listen to an ear-splitting death screech combined with a verbal smack-down, yeah?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.