10 Games We Secretly Wish Had Multiplayer

4. The Witcher 2

The Witcher 2 is such a masterpiece of single-player design that it seems crazy to include it on a list of games we wished had multiplayer. Its sprawling, multi-layered plot and exciting, dynamic world remains among the best in the RPG genre. The premise of the Witcher 2, or at least the parts where you head off and sort out people's monster problems, would make for a brilliant co-operative mode though. It probably wouldn't work just tacked onto the existing campaign, but a totally separate mode where you and a friend get paid to track and hunt various beasties sounds like a lot of fun. There aren't enough good co-operative action-RPGs out there at the moment, but we have no doubt that developers CD Projekt RED would do a fantastic job of making one. For now though, we're happy to let them get on with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which is already looking like it may blast its predecessors out the water.
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