8. Pac-Man

Who'd have thought the hours of entertainment that one would derive from playing a yellow circle with eyes and a mouth? Nevertheless, Pac-Man has always managed to capture the hearts of the gaming community, alongside his partner Miss Pac-Man. The real addictive nature of this game has always revolved around the high score. Men, women and children would become absorbed into the competitive nature of the game, and its simplistic controls and foundations would mean it was easy to pick up, and soon become obsessed with. People would quickly see the red mist over this game, with the enemies of Pinky, Blinky, Inky and Clyde became the bane of many a gamers' lives. The continual search for keys, cherries and pellets would soon become the life-goals of certain persons, who would also become engrossed by the three-letter name recognition, which provided endless hilarity top scorers of "BUM" and "POO" in the local arcades. The amount of childhood allowances that were spent on this game amounted to $2.5 billion in the 1990s, and whilst the arcades have fallen into disregard, the wonders of the Internet have allowed a whole new generation to procastinate to the elusive charms of Pac-Man. Whilst this game did not have the depth in plot of Final Fantasy or Super Mario, it provided that search for scores that captivate gamers to this very day.