10 Games That Are Bordering on Physically Addictive

3. World of Warcraft

World-of-warcraft-600x300 Unless you have been living under a rock for the past decade, you have no doubt heard about the world's most popular MMORPG (according to Guiness World Records), World of Warcraft. WoW has often been at the heart of numerous failed exams and diagnoses of ADHD. If anybody has watched the episode of South Park which invloved the boys' addiction to the game, one can fully understand the popular opinion of the attachment some have to this gameIts addictive nature originates from the range of options available to the player. The quests are for those that stick to the main story and defeat the computer, whereas there are those who will work for hours to heighten their levels to the optimum Level 70, before moving onto another class and doing the exact same thing. But, the most addictive element of the WoW experience revolves around its PvP experience, with the raids from varied servers and the battle arenas. The emergence of the game on BattleNet servers has allowed for anybody to find a match at any time of day. That is before one mentions the factions and group play in approaching the story of the game, which adds a socialbility to the main game which isn't available in other games. With the newest expansion pack allowing you to experience what gameplay would be like as Kung Fu Panda, the game continues to grow and become more visually enticing and with a smoother online gameplay. The social aspect of the game allows gamers to enjoy the company of their own kind, and instead of actually looking at the person in the eyes like a noob, you can interact with them through their avatars, which is far more exciting.
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I am a British student currently studying at the University of York, and have a passionate interest in WWE, English football (soccer) and video gaming.