8 Games That Burdened You With Awful Companions

5. Dead Rising - The Survivors

CapcomCapcomThe second zombie game entry on the list and not the last, Dead Rising is privy to some of the most infuriating AI you'll ever experience. Don't take that the wrong way, Dead Rising was an excellent game in its own right, but when you were tasked with escorting survivors to a safe house in a shopping mall overrun with the undead, you knew deep down that escorting witless, weaponless people through hordes of monsters that wanted to eat some brains was never going to go well. While escort missions in Dead Rising were entirely optional, if you were an achievement hunter or just a completionist you needed to save every single civilian in need of your help. This meant that you had to answer the cries for help from individuals who had barricaded themselves in various stores scattered around the mall. Once you had cleared the surrounding area of anything remotely threatening, you then had to escort these nitwits from one location to another. Escort quests are annoying at the best of times, but when the people you have to escort don't understand how to defend themselves or follow you, life becomes much, much tougher. All it took for a survivor to get ripped apart was a single zombie grazing them, and when hundreds of the buggers stood between you and safety, you would find yourself having to constantly stop to save their hides and clear an open path for them to stroll through, all while having to defend yourself from more attackers. If Dead Rising teaches you anything, it's that you shouldn't bother helping people because they're all idiots - you're better off making friends with the zombies; they're clearly smarter.

Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.