10 Gaming Cliches You Couldn't Live Without

6. An Implausibly Large Weapons Arsenal

Max Payne 3 Bullet Time
Rockstar Games

The Cliche: No matter how many gigantic weapons you amass, some games won't limit you by nonsense like weight and the sheer impracticality of handling so many items, and you're free to collect enough guns and ammo to pacify a decent-sized army.

Though this cliche has been on the decline recently with more games tending to limit players to two or three weapons, it's still been widespread in Max Payne, Grand Theft Auto, Doom, Metal Gear Solid and so many more.

Why It's Awesome: Most people don't play video games, especially action-based ones, to hunker down with the rigour of inventory management. Rather, they want to blow off some steam by peppering the living s*** out of the bad guys with as large and diverse an array of weapons as possible.

Again, this appeals to the inherent power fantasy of the aforementioned games: it may make zero sense within the context of real life, but that's the point. The fact you can switch from a pistol to a shotgun to a rocket launcher with the click of a button is part of what makes them so ludicrously entertaining.

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Max Payne 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.