10 Gaming Endings That Get Worse The More You Think About It

9. Gex Has Sex With A Human Woman - Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

Uncharted 4 Ending
Crystal Dynamics

Crystal Dynamics' platformer franchise Gex may have never reached the popularity and iconic status of its contemporaries such as Crash Bandicoot, but the trilogy was still a charming and irreverent good time.

The third and to date final game in the series, Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko, starred the titular anthropomorphic gecko opposite his lover and colleague Agent Xtra, who in a series of amusing live-action FMV sequences is played by Playboy model Marliece Andrada.

This already substantially weird combination of digital gecko and tangible human reaches its deranged apex in the game's ending cutscene.

The day has finally been saved and Gex is in his bedroom with a lingerie-clad Agent Xtra, who is suggestively laying on the bed.

Gex then turns his attention to her and declares, "It's tail time," the clear implication being that Gex and Xtra will have inter-species sex, mercifully off-screen at least.

For a platformer largely aimed at young children, what a truly bizarre and unsettling implication this was, forcing players to consider the mechanical logistics of a humanoid gecko and a human woman hooking up.

That's not to ignore the possibility of Xtra falling pregnant and giving birth to some sort of human-gecko hybrid. At least if the series ever gets rebooted, Son of Gex basically writes itself as a starting point.

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Uncharted 4
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.