10 Gaming Facts Nobody Wants To Admit

2. You Don't REALLY Own Your Games

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League
Arkane Studios

Though there are many who continue to fly the flag for physical games media in the name of ownership and preservation, it's time to face facts - you almost never really own your games anymore.

Obviously the argument against digital games speaks for itself - you're reliant on platforms like Steam continuing to exist in perpetuity, and even then, you really only own a license to play the game rather than the game itself. If the publisher decides to pull a game for one of many reasons, you're outta luck.

And even with physical games, so many titles released today - especially in the AAA sphere - require frequent or even permanent online connections that the gam e disc is basically just a means of access to digital content.

Important though it is that gamers continue to fight for preservation and try to enact legislation to ensure that digital games can be permanently accessed in any scenario, it's also worth making peace with the fact that just about any new game you buy isn't something you genuinely own. Pandora's Box is open and can't be closed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.