10 Gaming Moments Everyone Wishes They Could Unsee

8. Letitia, The Racist Caricature NPC - Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Cloud

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a mostly great game, but what the hell was Eidos-Montréal thinking with that blatantly racist caricature of an NPC?

During the game players will come into contact with an informant by the name of Letitia, a Black woman who is written and performed as a massively offensive stereotype.

From the first moment we meet her, she speaks in a wildly exaggerated southern Black twang. The very first thing she says to Adam Jensen is "Well, Sheeeeeit. If it ain't the Cap'n hisself!," which really tells you everything you need to know.

Obviously a portrayal of an impoverished Black woman with a thick southern accent isn't inherently racist, but it's all about context, tone, and execution.

Here Letitia feels less like a full-bodied character than the sort of performative cartoon you'd expect to see at a minstrel show 150 years ago - not as a Black woman existing in 2027.

Amid the backlash Eidos did eventually issue a statement essentially hand-waving the criticism, yet over a decade later Letitia endures as by far the worst part of a generally fantastic title.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.