10 Gaming Moments Where You Play Like An Utter Dick
3. GoldenEye - Playing as Oddjob
At this point in the list, the entry titles will just speak for themselves for many people. GoldenEye was a revolutionary first-person shooter, and for some people it was not just their introduction to split-screen or FPS gaming, but also the concept of people being a total douche in multiplayer also. There were a number of ways to be a dick in this game, my favorite is and always will be proximity mines, and of course the aforementioned screen peaking will always apply, but arguably the most universally reviled amongst players of the game would have to be playing as Oddjob in the multiplayer. How often did you start up a game with your friends and have someone call "No Oddjobs!"? Of course, that didn't stop you. Oddjob had an advantage because he was much shorter than the other characters, lying outside the range of their auto-aim and thus making him incredibly hard to hit with the N64's poor manual-aiming system. Fighting him was a nightmare and it managed to make you hate whoever was controlling him. He got even worse as time progressed, and in the game 007: Nightfire, they allowed you to throw his hat for an instant kill. Of course, this all made for a character who was incredibly appealing to play as. Children are cruel and games like Goldeneye allowed a generation of young gamers to learn of their potential in the digital realm.