10 Gaming Myths You Won't Believe People Actually Buy Into

8. The Diablo Cow Level

545-01 Diablo is a pretty dark game. You're a gritty hero in a depressing, dark world riddled with demons and the undead. It's not quite Jet Set Radio proportions of spirited optimism. However, one rumour circulating at the time of Diablo's domination of PCs across the world was a myth that would certainly serve to lift the mood a bit: cows with pointy weapons. Yes, the majority of players believed that hidden somewhere inside the reams of code, Blizzard popped in a tasty Easter egg called The Secret Cow Level. Supposedly if you repeatedly clicked on all the cows outside town you would not only waste valuable life indoors when you could be outside playing with your friends, but you would also be transported to a hidden level. While the level in Diablo was completely false, Blizzard was inspired by the insanity of their fans and decided to hide an actual secret cow level in Diabo II, replete with hell bovine wielding halberds. While the initial level was played for laughs, the Lord of Destruction expansion actually made the area a pretty profitable place to loot and could be entered repeatedly as long as you didn't take credit for killing the Cow King.

Comic book enthusiast, roleplaying game nerd and sci-fi obsessive. Scott is often found chugging coffee and listening to music your parents would disapprove of. Follow his Twitter on @scottmalt or email scott.malthouse87[at]gmail.com.