10 Gaming YouTube Channels That Are Actually Worth Your Time
5. Brutalmoose
Creator(s): Ian MacLeod A style of video somewhat pioneered by AVGN, brutalmoose is a channel that combines reviews with scripted reactions, usually adhering to the following formula: clip, reaction, clip, reaction. Its a style thats been adopted by many Youtubers over the years, including JonTronShow and PeanutButterGamer, as well as smaller channels like SpaceHamster and Caddicarus. Its also a style thats usually executed fairly mindlessly, often irritatingly, sometimes just mirroring the pandering abrasiveness of the worst lets players. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHQtWFo7i_4 One of the few exceptions is brutalmoose, a channel which follows the same formula but manages to avoid coming across as juvenile or disingenuous. In fact, it even manages to be pretty informative on occasion, often showcasing forgotten or unknown FMV games, childrens TV shows and even gameshows from the 50s. Its restrained, sometimes educational and completely watchable, which is more than can be said for a lot of similarly styled videos on Youtube. Similar Channels: JonTronShow, That One Video Gamer, PeanutButterGamer, ProJared.