10 Genius Gameplay Tricks That Made Video Games WAY Better

9. The Social Strand System - Death Stranding

dead space life bar
Kojima Productions

Death Stranding is one of the most singular video games of the entire decade - a mesmerising big-budget delivery simulator in which players are tasked with getting packages to their desired destinations by any means necessary.

As masterfully engineered as the delicate traversal gameplay is, though, it's the innovative social strand system that truly takes it to the next level.

Hideo Kojima's approach to asynchronous multiplayer allows players to build persistent objects in the environment - bridges, ropes, ziplines, even buildings - which can be accessed by other connected players.

There's no way to directly interact with others in the game, but being able to see and use their creations, and also rate their efforts through the game's likes system, ensures there's a palpable connection with other humans embarking on the same adventure.

In a game where the player can be left to their own devices for lengthy periods of time, this ensures they're always tethered to humanity in a small but vital way.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.