10 GENIUS Time Travel Levels In Video Games

1. Effect And Cause - Titanfall 2

Titanfall 2 Effect And Cause
Respawn Entertainment

Effect and Cause is a mission in Titanfall 2 that's widely regarded as one of the most creative and impressive levels in any game ever.

The lion's share of Effect and Cause's success can be attributed to its time-travel mechanics. As you navigate the map, you may use a special device to instantly move between the past and the present, where the facility you're in is engulfed in chaos and destruction.

The ability to simultaneously experience the chaos of your current surroundings and how serene they used to be is already pretty amazing, but this is just a fraction of the mechanic's genius. As you seamlessly phase between the two time periods, you're also supposed to utilize the changes in the environment to access new areas, change the course of combat, and do other cinematic things.

Being able to outmaneuver your enemies by shifting to a time when they're not there and jumping between timelines to breach a gap that hasn't yet formed is the crux of Effect and Cause's gameplay. The entire sequence feels like an action-packed sci-fi movie that you get to personally star in - the crowning achievement of Titanfall 2's brilliant single-player.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.