10 GENIUS Time Travel Levels In Video Games

6. Opening Level - Chrono Trigger

Titanfall 2 Effect And Cause
Square Enix

Chrono Trigger is not only a classic JRPG, but also one of the earliest titles that toyed with the idea of time travel.

The entire game revolves around the main cast of characters travelling through time to prevent the end of the world. And despite Chrono Trigger being something of a precursor for time travel in games, the idea is executed perfectly.

The best example of why that is the case is Chrono Trigger's intro level, where the game familiarizes you with its mechanics as well as the concept of time travel.

Nearly every single NPC in the sequence has some kind of issue that needs to be resolved, but without knowing what's to happen, helping them can be tricky.

This is where your friend Lucca and her latest invention, the time machine, come in. You help Lucca test out the machine, and as soon as you do, you get to reexperience your whole day, except now you're equipped with memories of what's going to happen.

Helping the troubled NPCs with your past knowledge is incredibly satisfying and does an amazing job of introducing you to Chrono Trigger's time travel capabilities, which only get deeper and crazier later on.

But honestly, if the whole game was just about using time travel to fix minor inconveniences for your friends, no one would probably complain.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.