10 GENIUS Time Travel Levels In Video Games

3. Elevator Pitch - Superhot

Titanfall 2 Effect And Cause
Superhot team

Superhot is a genius game that uses the gimmicks of time manipulation to create fun, action-packed moments and challenging puzzles. The game’s primary mechanic makes time travel forward only when the player is moving, making each of your gestures and actions feel like they could be the difference between life and death.

The part of Superhot that illustrates this the best is the game’s 18th level, called “Elevator Pitch.” Though it’s not the longest sequence in Superhot, it’s easily one of its most challenging and intense ones, as it immediately throws you into a deadly scenario by trapping you inside an elevator ride with three opponents, one of which is already firing at you right at the start of the level.

In order to complete the mission, you have to make use of your time-traveling abilities to your absolute best. Every split decision you make must be executed perfectly, as the lack of space to move around and the constant threat surrounding you leave very little room for error.

It takes a bit of retrying and assessing your situation in bullet time, but Superhot's Elevator Pitch is exactly what a time-traveling level ought to be about.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.