10 Genius Trick Cliffhangers In Video Games

1. Dragon Age: Trespasser

DRAGON AGE trespasser

The kind of cliffhanger that makes a fandom wait ten years for a sequel that has a higher-than-average chance of not even being good, Dragon Age: Trespasser's controversial ending could only have been at the top of this list. 

After dealing with the governments of the world doing their level best to dismantle the Inquisition, being confronted by the fact that those world leaders are probably justified in said dismantling, and learning some deeply uncomfortable truths about Elven folklore, the Inquisitor is faced with one final gut punch. Solas, once the resident wise, elven hippy of the team, has been behind everything that has happened since the beginning of the base game. 

In fact, he's actually the elven trickster god, Fen'Harel The Dread Wolf, who banished the other elven gods in retaliation for their cruelty to their own subjects. But doing so ended up taking away the elves' immortality and their deeper connection to magic. Solas tells the Inquisitor that the magical MacGuffin ball that started this entire mess was meant to re-establish that connection smoothly. But since The Inquisitor destroyed it, Solas has to do it the hard way by tearing down The Veil: the magical barrier between the physical world and The Fade. This will kill a lot of people, but Solas feels that he has no choice. 

After either swearing to stop him or finding another way, The Inquisitor dissolves The Inquisition, and takes what few of their friends remain to the nation of Tevinter. This is a nation that has been spoken of in all three games but never explored, but since Solas has never been there either, the Inquisitor knows it's their best shot at finding a way to beat him.

And the fanbase has spent the past ten years left on that tantalizing note. 

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?