10 GENIUS Ways People Beat Video Games
9. Blind Playthrough - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

At first, beating a blind playthrough of Ocarina Of Time doesn’t sound very impressive, but here, the blind aspect needs to be taken literally.
Terry Garret is a blind gamer who lost his sight at ten years old. But even after this, he wanted to continue the joy that came with playing video games. So, in 2011 he set out to beat Ocarina Of Time while never looking at the screen.
He used two speakers situated around him to signal enemies, all while using the Hookshot to learn whether he's facing a wall or not and save states to preserve progress every time he messed up.
The process was difficult, and he wanted to give up multiple times. He felt like it wasn’t worth it, that he would never win. But the community stuck with him and helped him move past multiple points by giving him walkthroughs and videos to listen to. Eventually, after playing the game for five years, he finally dealt the last blow on Ganon.
Garret might have one of the hardest handicaps a gamer could have, but he persevered. Finding clever solutions to playing Zelda and beating it in the process. He’s since played multiple other games in the same style.