10 GENIUS Ways People Beat Video Games

2. Three Games At Once - Megaman X

doom potatoes

The speedrunning community has come up with many ways to beat games in the past. But one version of speedrunning stands out: Tool Assisted-Speedruns. The idea behind this is that instead of playing the game in real-time, it will simply react to a set of pre-determined commands.

This might seem like cheating at first, but it’s the complete opposite. We reach gaming levels that would otherwise be impossible by a human being through Tool Assisted-Speedruns.

Case in point, Megaman X. About ten years ago, YouTuber Agwawaf performed a Tool Assisted-Speedrun where they beat Megaman X, Megaman X2, and Megaman X3 100% simultaneously with the same controller inputs.

The amount of time and effort put into this is incredible as every single input serves some purpose in helping Megaman reach his goal. A lot of the run depends on loading screens and times where one Megaman isn’t moving while the others continue. There are minimal deaths, and even a few hits, not to mention the entire speedrun was finished in under one hour.

It might be a Tool Assisted-Speedrun, but it’s still one of the most remarkable and most clever ways somebody has beaten any videogame.

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My second biggest passion in life is writing. The first is Kingdom Hearts. I'm also a fan of all things video games and anime. With some comic books on the side. If you want to see some of my other stuff, check out my blog: thelechuga.com