10 Glitches That Actually IMPROVED Video Games

3. Minecraft Creepers

The Spy

Anyone even vaguely familiar with the world of Minecraft will know of the dread that comes when that squared sun descends and all manner of nasty things come out to play in the dark of night.

But what if I were to tell you the nastiest nasty of all didn’t burn in the sun like many of its annoying brethren, and the Creeper could roam as easily as you or I?

Even more annoying than their lack of this particular weakness is the fact Creepers weren’t ever meant to be in the game.

Speaking in the 2012 documentary, Minecraft: The Story of Mojang, game creator Markus “Notch” Persson admitted he actually wanted to insert a far less harmful, far more delicious entity when giving birth to the Creeper:

“The creepers were a mistake. I don’t have any modelling programs to do the models, I just write them in code. And I accidentally made them tall instead of long, so it was like a tall thing with four little feet. And that became the creeper. As opposed to a pig.”

Throw in a little green and an explosion effect that can ruin your play-through in seconds, and hey presto, the Creepers we know and hate today!

For all the disdain we might have for these frowny-faced buggers, though, there’s nothing wrong with an extra layer of challenge, and Minecraft, boasting a fan base of 55 million daily players, just wouldn’t be the same without them.

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