Games are essentially lines of code on a screen somewhere at one point. Theyre made on machines, to play on machines, with machines as controllers. But theyre ultimately created by humans. And humans make mistakes. If youve had any sort of gaming history whatsoever then youll have stumbled upon your fair share of glitches. Most of the time, theyre relatively harmless Oh look, that horse is running into the sky or Hey, why is that guard trying to have sex with that tree? If thats the case, we look, we laugh, maybe we take a quick screenshot for our Facebook profile, then were on with the game. But there are some glitches that demand more of your attention, for various reasons. They might directly affect gameplay, they might also hinder it and sometimes, god forbid, they might even break your current save. In extreme cases, they can even destroy your console. You might imagine that glitches are being phased out over the development of the technology and software, but thats just not the case. With games getting more and more advanced, theyre also getting more and more complicated to programme. I mean, you try staring at the reams of code necessary to make a character do even the simplest of tasks, like jumping over a wall for example, and see if you can spot all of the errors. Weve had a think back to some of the most infuriating glitches we can remember. And it wasnt an easy task either; many of these examples were blocked from our memory as a subconscious defense mechanism, they were just that painful. But it really does help to talk about it